STEM Youth Board

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Aberdeen Science Centre and TechFest support and deliver STEM education across the North-East of Scotland and beyond. In 2023 we launched the first ever STEM Youth Board in Scotland. STEM Youth Board members have been successfully working with both organisations to ensure STEM activities, programmes and events have appropriate input from one of our more significant demographics making delivery more relevant and peer led. 


Registration to join the STEM Youth Board for 2024- 2025 is now closed.


The STEM Youth Board 

  • Offer young people a voice in STEM across the North of Scotland
  • Act as a ‘Focus group/Test group’ for new ideas from both ASC and TechFest
  • Advise ASC’s Board and TechFest’s Board on appropriate STEM related matters
  • Propose new ideas for projects, activities, exhibits and programmes to be considered by ASC and TechFest
  • Meet on a Quarterly/Half yearly basis – to be confirmed
  • Be undertaken voluntarily.


Participants on the STEM Youth Board

  • Have the flexibility to engage in activities of their interest such as, organising events, managing social media and recruitment
  • Meeting every 3 months, members will also take on more traditional roles at the meetings including chairing meetings and taking minutes
  • Have opportunities to develop their skills (Meeting skills e.g.Chairing,minutetaking,decisionmaking,public speaking)
  • Act as Ambassadors/Champions for STEM, ASC and TechFest across the North-East and beyond
  • Have a ‘skills buddy’ to support them in their role on the STEM Youth Board
  • Be members for up to 2 years
  • Be invited to a ‘Thank you’ event held annually to recognise their involvement and participation in the STEM Youth Board


The Person Specification for participating in the STEM Youth Board

  • Young people currently in years S2 – S5
  • Based in Aberdeen City or Aberdeenshire
  • With an interest in science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM)
  • Diverse, inclusive membership


Lengh of service

  • A member may remain on the STEM Youth Board for a maximum of 2 years.


Potential stakeholders

Whilst the STEM Youth Board will be a shared project that is run and delivered by Aberdeen Science Centre and TechFest, there will be a number of potential stakeholders who could be invited by the Youth Board to support the initiative. The following is neither an exhaustive list nor will all be invited to participate:

  • DYW (Developing Young Workforce)
  • Local Industry partners
  • University of Aberdeen
  • Robert Gordon University
  • North-East Scotland College (NESCOL)
  • Station House Media Unit (SHMU)
  • Net Zero Technology Centre
  • Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG)


If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Looking for other opportunities, don’t forget to check out ABZ works here.   



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