Displaying items by tag: Dinosaurs

A 'ROARSOME' time with Aberdeen's young paleontologists!

Why did the chicken cross the road? 

To learn from Ben Garrod that it's descended from dinosaur!


Published in Latest News



  • TechFest STEM Book Club


STEM Book Club Website


 Click here to enter TechFest's STEM Book Club.


  • TechFest At Home page


TechFest at Home Twitter Post 


 Click here to view TechFest At Home page.


  • ESP -  STEM@Home – Resources and Activities


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Check our ESP's website where they provide a list of free STEM activities to do at home.


  • K'NEXT Generation - Home Schooling Activities 


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Click here for CFE-linked, free and on-demand activities and resources to expand your knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. 


  • Go Construct - Providing Information Around Careers in Construction.




Click here


  •  Why not to learn a little about dinosaurs? 


Activity pack

Download Ben Garrod's Activity Pack here.


  • Running a STEM club


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Click here to see STEM learning resources you can use.


  • Girlguiding has an awesome list of activities and adventures to do at home  




Click here for lots of girl guides adventures at home.

Or here for a Pinterest board full of STEM activities.


  • BBC Science Focus Magazine offers free Science Focus education quizes and packs  

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Click here to download your free education packs. 


  • An amazing website with plenty of outside activities for the young 


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Click here


  • BBC Bitesize Daily with starts like David Attenborough and Jody Whittaker teaching children curriculum based content


BBC iPlayer logo

Click here


  • Dive into Scotland's largest baywith Macduff Marine Aquirium.

mma logo website

 Dive in here. 


  •  OurFutureEnergy offers energy themed resources for teachers.


Click here.  

Published in Education




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