Displaying items by tag: Science


STEM in the Park

TechFest's STEM In The Park, sponsored by TAQA has been desgined to engage all ages in science activities that are done in parks by utilising teamwork, creativity and most of all having fun while learning.


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 IMG 6841 min  





This project is sponsoder by


 Taqa logo and strapline 

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Cover 2021


Click here to view the programme and to catch up with the events you've missed.

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TechFest values working in collaboration with other Scottish Science Festivals



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Please enjoy our workshops commissioned by Caithness Science Festival.



Website format DNA Detectives Draft KC




website version KC Code Breakers




Wildlife Detectives KD



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STEM Book Club Website


 Click here to enter TechFest's STEM Book Club

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KC Caithness Top Picks


Click here to see our top picks!

For the full programme of events visit https://www.science03.org for more info 

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Copy of Glasgow Science Festival Top Picks


Click here to see our top picks!

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The incredible rise in popularity of slime with small humans is not difficult to understand. There’s something incredibly pleasing about squidging it and feeling it ooze between your fingers, and even more satisfying you can make it at home yourself with easy to obtain ingredients. Slime is one of the many “Kitchen Science” experiments that can pique the curiosity of children and potentially lead to a real interest in science.

science dog


As the Easter holidays are upon us I have assembled some of my favourite Kitchen Science experiments below – ENJOY!

It’s slime time...


Concerned with how much plastic we use and looking for alternatives? Why not try making some casein?


Use an endothermic reaction to cool your warm drinks!


Get your kids involved in breakfast and tire those tiny arms out!


Take your home back to the 60s and make a home made lava lamp to explore density and chemical reactions – a TechFest favourite!


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