Displaying items by tag: nobelprize


AJ insulin talks1200x630 copy


When: 13-23rd September – Virtual via GoogleMeet

Admission: Admission FREE

Booking: Booking required

Booking URL: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=dQ0to4xMnEuGHqsZUM2q6Wq2WLDQnZNGvXKvPbnqQWlUMUZONU5HVVpLUzVKMFIxV0VOWVIySjdRVS4u

Summary of event: Live workshop with activities to embrace a journey of discovery about the Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin awarded to Scottish Scientist John Macleod, to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of this important medical treatment.



Check out a short video summary of the event below: 



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