
Activity Weekend


Activity Weekend 2023 Small Cover


TechFest's Activity Weekend is one of the most popular events in the TechFest calendar! The weekend is made up of two days of workshops, shows and activities for families to get involved with.


 "Great event. Very friendly and professional assistants and specialists introducing science. Fantastic opportunity for kids to experience science." - Activity Weekend Participant 


Date: Sat, 31 May & Sun, 1 June, 2025

Opening hours: 09:30 - 16:00 each day.

Location: RGU, the Sir Ian Wood building


No parking restrictions during weekends, but please make sure to use the available car park spaces to park.

‘In for a Penny, In for a Pound’ adults pay £1 and children pay 1p; or donations! Cash only. 


View our 2024 Activity Weekend programme. 


We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters*

 Schools Science Festival Sponsors Grid 05

TechFest is kindly hosted by the University of Aberdeen.

*This page acknowledges the generous contributions of all our sponsors and supporters at the time of the programme being published.




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