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About Maths Into the Energy Mix
Maths into the Energy Mix was piloted in March 2023, this event was sponsored by Emerson. The event was met with enthusiasm by students and teachers alike, and with the help of the industry volunteers from Emerson the students spent the day working through Mathematical challenges associated with different energy sources; all focussed around the context of a fictional village. The student teams spent the day calculating the energy required, and working on solutions for how the village was able to meet the demand; using both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources.
The day was also designed with Meta skills in mind; these are identified by Skills Development Scotland as being essential skills in creating adaptive learners and increased chances of success in the context of the future of a young person. These skills are inherently part of STEM activities, and throughout educational settings there is a renewed focus on supporting young people to identify these qualities within themselves.
The main skills focussed on with this event were teamwork, problem solving, creativity and communication. Additional skills associated with social intelligence, innovation and self-management are developed when young people work through project-based learning opportunities such as this.
Pupil Comments:
"Really opened my eyes.. I like things like proposals, planning and analysis. An addition of STEM made it even more interesting." - BoD Pupil
"I have learned loads about different careers and outcomes in the sector of energy by talking with the volunteers and staff. I personally want to persue Geology." - Fraserburgh Pupil
If anyone would like to discuss future sponsorship of this event please contact Dr Yashka Smith; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.