Laura McHardie

Laura McHardie

A 'ROARSOME' time with Aberdeen's young paleontologists!

Why did the chicken cross the road? 

To learn from Ben Garrod that it's descended from dinosaur!



What is on

TechFest What is On


6th (Saturday)

So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs!

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Show 2


So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs is the hit stage show starring dinosaur aficionado Dr Ben Garrod. Get ready to go on an exciting pre-historic adventure as Ben talks you through the deadliest predators that ever roamed the planet.  Yes dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Allosaurus and Spinosaurus would have walked or swam right where you are now!

Click here for more information and to book a ticket! 



1st - 9th

Hywind Workshops

Peterhead Academy

Workshops on renewable energy for S1 & S2 pupils


24th - 26th

May Festival

University of Aberdeen

TechFest is collaborating with the University to bring brand new STEM workshops to MayFest!   




16th (Sunday)

Aberdeen Highland Games

Drop in and say hi to TechFest - we are planning on taking science demonstrations to the masses.




All month the EUREKA series will be running in Libraries across Aberdeen City and Shire. Once dates are confirmed they will be announced here!

23rd & 24th (Tuesday/Wednesday)

Wild at Aden

10.00 - 16.00


Come and see what TechFest are bringing!




24th & 25th

Activity Weekend

9.30 - 16.30

Sir Ian Wood Building, RGU

TechFest's premier family weekend. Come along and take part in a variety of different workshops and activites. Click here for more information!


26th - 30th

Festival Early Years and Primary Programme

Sir Ian Wood Building, RGU

Click here for more information! 



 7th - 28st

Festival Public Programme

Various venues

Click here for more information! 


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Girls in Energy

Girls in Energy is a programme promoting the diversity of career options available to young women, supported by one of our sponsors Shell.

Click here for more information.

girls in energy




  • TechFest STEM Book Club


STEM Book Club Website


 Click here to enter TechFest's STEM Book Club.


  • TechFest At Home page


TechFest at Home Twitter Post 


 Click here to view TechFest At Home page.


  • ESP -  STEM@Home – Resources and Activities


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Check our ESP's website where they provide a list of free STEM activities to do at home.


  • K'NEXT Generation - Home Schooling Activities 


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Click here for CFE-linked, free and on-demand activities and resources to expand your knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. 


  • Go Construct - Providing Information Around Careers in Construction.




Click here


  •  Why not to learn a little about dinosaurs? 


Activity pack

Download Ben Garrod's Activity Pack here.


  • Running a STEM club


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Click here to see STEM learning resources you can use.


  • Girlguiding has an awesome list of activities and adventures to do at home  




Click here for lots of girl guides adventures at home.

Or here for a Pinterest board full of STEM activities.


  • BBC Science Focus Magazine offers free Science Focus education quizes and packs  

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Click here to download your free education packs. 


  • An amazing website with plenty of outside activities for the young 


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Click here


  • BBC Bitesize Daily with starts like David Attenborough and Jody Whittaker teaching children curriculum based content


BBC iPlayer logo

Click here


  • Dive into Scotland's largest baywith Macduff Marine Aquirium.

mma logo website

 Dive in here. 


  •  OurFutureEnergy offers energy themed resources for teachers.


Click here.  




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