Secondary Outreach

Delivering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics workshops in line with the Curriculum for Excellence.

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Due to the increased demand from schools and the success of events in the past, TechFest now offers all year round events for secondary school pupils.

These events involve speakers from industry and research travelling to secondary schools and delivering talks and workshops applicable to the Curriculum for Excellence. TechFest aims to inspire pupils and enhance their knowledge and interest in topical science subjects.


Below are the two options that you might consider that TechFest can deliver at your school.


Crystal Maze

Teams will be required to work their way around puzzle rooms solving mathematical problems in a race against time! Each challenge will relate to a different Maths theme and will require teamwork and lateral thinking. 

CM 1  CM 1


Climate Challenge

Designed and delivered by TechFest this workshop aims to give students the confidence to present to their peers as well as engaging with the science behind Climate Change and what we can all do to make a difference. Students will also work to communicate what Industry is doing to meet the challenges of our future. 

CC 1  CC 1  



For more information, contact the Outreach Programme team by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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