
Festival (17)


Maths Into Series

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Maths Into Series Logo

Maths Into the Energy Mix

Maths into the Energy Mix was piloted in March 2023, this event was sponsored by Emerson.  The event was met with enthusiasm by students and teachers alike, and with the help of the industry volunteers from Emerson the students spent the day working through Mathematical challenges associated with different energy sources; all focussed around the context of a fictional village.  The student teams spent the day calculating the energy required, and working on solutions for how the village was able to meet the demand; using both fossil fuels and renewable energy sources. 


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The day was also designed with Meta skills in mind; these are identified by Skills Development Scotland as being essential skills in creating adaptive learners and increased chances of success in the context of the future of a young person. These skills are inherently part of STEM activities, and throughout educational settings there is a renewed focus on supporting young people to identify these qualities within themselves.

The main skills focussed on with this event were teamwork, problem solving, creativity and communication. Additional skills associated with social intelligence, innovation and self-management are developed when young people work through project-based learning opportunities such as this.

This programme was offered to all Secondary schools in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire in the winter term of 2024. During February and March 2024 we have been delighted to welcome pupils from 10 schools to take part in three Maths into the Energy Mix events thanks to support and sponsorship from SPE Aberdeen Section, and Emerson. 




Pupil Comments:

"Really opened my eyes.. I like things like proposals, planning and analysis. An addition of STEM made it even more interesting." - BoD Pupil

"I have learned loads about different careers and outcomes in the sector of energy by talking with the volunteers and staff. I personally want to persue Geology." - Fraserburgh Pupil




If anyone would like to discuss future sponsorship of this event please contact Dr Yashka Smith; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



TechFest Talks

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Podcast Logo


Welcome to TechFest Talks - A Podcast by Students for Students.


TechFest Talks was launched in 2021 and has been produced by students, for students.

This project is designed to engage and inspire students of all ages to find out about their interests and desired career paths.

In each episode students from across the UK interview industry professionals from various sectors.

This allows the hosting students as well as the listeners to find out as much information about their desired careers as possible. 

Click here to read an article about TechFest Talks featuring in ACVO's News. 



Listen to the Space into Energy edition.

Listen to the Girls in Energy edition.

 Listen to the Scottish Careers Week edition.

Listen to the Explorathon'21 edition.

 Listen to the More Talks edition.

Listen to the Blueprint Challenge edition.



Watch student testimonials and learn more about TechFest Talks.




If you're a student and would like to become one of the TechFest Talks hosts, drop Gabi an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Interested in supporting this project? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 





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2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin

and as part of Explorathon 2021 we are celebrating the leaps in diabetes treatment and care. 

Explorathon is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions programme - grant agreement No 101036101


Click here to listen to TechFest Talks, Explorathon'21 edition.

Click here to watch A Personal Journey through Diabetes event. 

Schools 2021


Click here to view the programme!  

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Together with Skills Development Scotland we share the view that young people are passionate about looking after our planet; their voice has been heard around the world, and now there is a need to do more to tackle climate change. 


As part of our collaboration with Skills Development Scotland to celebrate Scottish Careers Week 2021 we have developed a Student Led podcast series TechFest Talks. We believe that these series have not only informed our podcast hosts of the opportunities to turn their passion into a career as they meet Industry Professionals featured in the series, but also have an opportunity to develop their individual skills and inspire our podcast listeners. 



Simply click on your favourite podcast platform icon to listen.


Jasmine Victoria Allan



Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla        


Episode 4



 Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla


Green Podcast



 Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla


Episode 1



 Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla

Episode 2



 Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla 


Episode 5



 Spot icon jomlaapple icon joomla  Anchor logo 2 Student Led Podcast SiE1  youtube icon joomla 


Our mission is to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to young people and wider communities. We seek to demonstrate kids as young as 3 years old that science is FUN and sparkle their interest in STEM fields from early age.


TechFest offers a variety of outreach workshops suitable for nursery & early years. All the workshops are led by experienced presenters with a teaching or science background and provide an excellent opportunity for children to engage in enjoyable activities. 


Early Years Outreach Front Cover 20232024

Download Early Years Catalogue.


Have a look at the below resources that are suitable not only for older children, but can also be completed with nursery and early years kids. 



BookBug Twitter 1

 Click here to learn more about BookBug. 



Sociable Science Poster Updated

Click here to learn more about Sociable Science. 



STEM in the Park Twitter

Click here to learn more about STEM in the Park.


Cover 2021


Click here to view the programme and to catch up with the events you've missed.


Space into Energy

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Space into Energy Smalled

From systems engineering to satellites, the discoveries and developments made in space exploration have informed the energy industry for decades, and vice versa.


A collaboration between Aberdeen Science Centre ASC and TechFest, supported by the Institute of Physics (IOP), the ‘Space into Energy’ programme gives young people a glimpse into the inner workings of these exciting fields and how the skill sets required for each sector often overlap.

Featuring experts from each industry, participants will learn about innovation, teamwork and leadership through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, empowering them to discover their unique talents and how they can be the problem-solvers of the future.


The Space into Energy Programme


We’re packing a whole range of activities into our programme with activities for all ages. From family days at Aberdeen Science Centre to interviews with industry professionals, there is something to inspire everyone.

The programme will be available to download very soon. Follow us on our social media channels for updates.


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Sponsoring Space into Energy


We are thrilled to have a fantastic group of generous sponsors and supporters who are helping us bring the Space into Energy programme to as many young people across the North East of Scotland as possible.

If you’d like to join them, download our Space into Energy Sponsorship Proposal here for more information about how your business can benefit from getting involved.


Need more Space into Energy?


As the programme continues, we’ll be uploading informative resources here so that even if you can’t be at one of our events, you can still be a part of Space into Energy. 

Space into Energy Bottom Photos


An Audience with an Astronaut


Watch this video of a conversation with astronauts Carl Walz and Mike Bloomfield, with commentary from Jim McNab from Oceaneering.

Click here for the rest of the series.




Listen to Space into Energy podcast series

Sponsored and supported by

Space into Energy SG 2023

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